Find the water fountain closest to you and add new ones directly on the map.With this application you can find the fountain closest to you or add new
Find the water fountain closest to you and add new ones directly on the map.
With this application you can find the fountain closest to you or add new ones directly on the map.
Make use of GPS built in your mobile phone to improve precision.
You can see image with Street View or activate Navigator to be guided towards the selected fountain.
If you go hiking or biking, load your GPX track to find fountains close to the path.
Today, database contains more than 43000 Fountains in Italy.
Answers to Frequent Asked Questions
1) Address search doesn't work: why?
It seems that this Android Service contains bug: a simple workaround is to reboot the phone.
2) Why this application requests permit to deactivate telephone stand-by?
Telephone stand by is deactivated only when using GPS.